Every $10 spent on food or beverage at a participating outlet receives a virtual entry.
Entries can be accrued from 10am Thursday 1 September till Saturday 12 November.
Simply swipe your membership card at the point of purchase.
Win a $100 VISA Card each week for 10 weeks
A $100 VISA Card winner will be drawn every Sunday at 3pm.
First Draw Sunday 4 Sept. Final draw Sun 6 Nov.
You don’t have to be present to win the weekly draws
Barrel will be cleared after each draw.
Major Draw – Sunday 13 November 3pm
All weekly entries will go back in the barrel for the Major draw.
You MUST be present at Campbelltown Catholic Club to WIN the car!
A winner will be drawn every 4 minutes from 3pm until the car is claimed or we reach 3.45pm.
If the car has not been claimed by 3.45pm it will be drawn as an additional prize in the Second Chance Draw.
How to enter the Second Chance Draw
Every $10 Spent at Campbelltown Catholic Club between 11.30am – 3pm on draw day (Sunday 13 November) will receive a virtual entry in the Second Chance Draw. Simply swipe your membership card at the point of purchase. There is a maximum of 1 Second Chance prize per member.
Second Chance Draws – Win $9,000 in cash prizes
1 x $3,000
1 x $2,000
2 x $1000
4 x $500
You MUST be present and claim your prize within 4 minutes to win the Second Chance Draw prizes.
Conditions Of Entry
- Campbelltown Catholic Club (CCC) Employees, Directors and their respective spouses are ineligible to enter.
- Un-Financial, Suspended and Banned Members are not eligible to participate. If a prize winner is found to be Un-Financial, Suspended or banned at the time of the draw the prize will be forfeited and a redraw will take place.
- Every $10 spent on food or beverage at a participating outlet, between 1 September – 12 November 2022, receives a virtual ticket in the draw. Simply swipe your membership card at the point of purchase.
- Entry Multipliers apply for the Weekly, Major and Second Chance Draw for Gold, Platinum & Platinum+ Membership Tiers. Gold Tier 2 for 1, Platinum and Platinum+ 3 for 1.
- Participating outlets include Campbelltown Catholic Club: Kyubi, The Dove & Shears, Embers Charcoal Kitchen, Harvest Bistro, Sage Café, all ground floor bars and The CUBE Convention Entertainment Centre bars Campbelltown Golf Club: Fairview Café & Bistro, all bars Campbelltown City Bowling Club: All bars Aquafit Health Fitness Leisure: Café Blue
Weekly Draws
- Weekly draws will take place at 3pm every Sunday from 4 Sept – 6 Nov 2022.
- Weekly prize includes a $100 VISA Card. You do not have to be present to win the weekly prize.
- The barrel will be cleared after each weekly draw.
Major Draw – Sun 13 Nov
- The Major Draw for the Volkswagen T-Cross will take place at Campbelltown Catholic Club on Sunday 13 November 2022 at 3pm.
- All weekly tickets will go back in the barrel for the major draw.
- You MUST be present at Campbelltown Catholic Club and claim your prize within 4 minutes to win the Car. A winner will be drawn every 4 minutes from 3pm until the Car is claimed or we reach 3.45pm. If the Car has not been claimed by 3.45pm it will be drawn as an additional prize in the Second Chance Draw.
- The major prize is a VW T-Cross Life valued at $33,000 Drive Away.
Second Chance Draw
- Every $10 Spent on Food or beverage at Campbelltown Catholic Club between 11.30am – 3pm on Sunday 13 November will receive a virtual entry in the Second Chance Draw. Simply swipe your Membership card at the point of purchase. Campbelltown Catholic Club is the only venue where entries can be earnt in the Second Chance Draw.
- Second Chance Draw prizes include: 1 x $3,000, 1 x $2,000, 2 x $1,000, 4 x $500 Prizes.
- If the Car has not been won by 3.45pm on Sunday 13 November it will roll over as an additional Prize in the Second Chance Draw.
- There is a maximum of 1 Second Chance prize per Member.
- Draws will be announced over the PA system in the Campbelltown Catholic Club Lounge, Gaming room and Harvest Bistro area. Draw announcements will not be broadcast in other areas of the Club such as Private Function Rooms and restaurants. It is the Members responsibility to ensure they are in an area where the draw can be heard.
- Winner’s consent to the publication of their name and/or photograph in any form of advertising Campbelltown Catholic Club sees fit.
- By participating in the promotion participants consent to the conditions of entry.
- Authorised under NSW TP/02084