Joanne Coomber is taking steps to help her son – about 125,000 of them in fact.
The Leumeah mum is about to walk 100km along The Great Ocean Road in June to help raise vital funds for research into the cure of Type 1 Diabetes. A great cause that Campbelltown Catholic Club has backed.
A $100 dining voucher for Kyubi and two free tickets to a show at The Cube were donated as major prizes in Joanne’s raffle, which has so far helped her raise more than $5,000.
“Thank you so much to the Catholic Club,” she said. “I can’t believe the wonderful support I’ve been getting.”
Joanne, 38, is tackling the trek from May 27 to 2 June*.
“It will be very challenging, but I am doing it so that one day finger pricking, injections, site changes, and carbohydrate counting will no longer be a part of my son’s life.”
It was in 2017 that her then-six year old son – enjoying all the adventures that come with being a kid, from soccer and swimming to bike riding – was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.
“This came as a great shock as we have no history of it in the family and in the past 4 years he has had to endure so much, with all the psychological, emotional and physical symptoms.”
The Catholic Club wishes Joanne all the best in her trek.
To donate directly to Joanne please visit her GoFundMe page.
* unfortunately due to COVID, the walk has been postponed until 2022