White Ribbon Workplace Accreditation

Campbelltown Catholic Club earns White Ribbon Workplace accreditation.


White Ribbon Australia is pleased to announce Campbelltown Catholic Club has successfully been accredited as a White Ribbon Workplace. Over the past 18 months Campbelltown Catholic Club has demonstrated effective leadership, resource allocation, communication, HR policy development and training to create a safer and more respectful workplace.


Campbelltown Catholic Club is now officially recognised by White Ribbon Australia as a workplace pioneer in contributing to national cultural change to prevent and respond to violence against women. Campbelltown Catholic Club has also evidenced commitment to gender equality, supporting employees to be more respectful across all spheres of the workplace and broader community.


What to do if you are in an abusive relationship

If you or someone you know is experiencing violence and need help or support, please contact one of the support hotline numbers below:

1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732
Macarthur DV Court Advocacy Services 4640 7333
DV Hotline (24hrs) 1800 656 463


If you are interested in learning more about how you can or for a full listing of help services available please visit whiteribbon.org.au


White Ribbon Workplace Accreditation Logo


Pictured Above: (L to R) Amy Crichton-Peterson White Ribbon Australia Workplace Program Advisor presents Campbelltown Catholic Club representatives Jill Teeling and CEO Michael Lavorato with the official White Ribbon Work Place Accreditation.