Last weekend’s 24 Hour Fight Against Cancer Macarthur is more than just a major community event – it’s also a time for local people to remember loved ones.

The Catholic Club’s Skye Morgan, as part of Team Blitza, has been walking in honour of her late grandfather.

“We have been walking for nine years, since we started after losing my pop to brain tumour,” said Skye, the club’s Conference and Events Sales Executive. “He was honestly the greatest human I know, he always had your back, and was such a hard and honest worker.

“My family now sadly walks for more family members.”

Skye said the walk gives her family and friends the opportunity to remember moments with these lost loved ones, and shed a few tears — some happy, some sad. “We share stories; some we have all heard 1000 times before and sometimes they are brand new ones, and as my generation (siblings & cousins) get older and new additions are added to the next we have these moments to remember and the stories with them.”

Team Blitza normally raises between $500 and $700 a year.

The 24 Hour Fight event itself has so far raised almost $5 million for local cancer care over the past 17 years.

The annual event was set for last October but was rained out, so teams gathered instead at Campbelltown Athletics Stadium on November 26-27.

The Catho has been a strong supporter of this event since the early days, with an Aquafit team also a regular participant on the day.

Caption: Team Blitza’s tribute honouring their late grandfather.